Monday, August 3, 2009


Yes, that's right I said boobs. We all have two; men and women. I bring them up simply because I decided to remind you all to make sure and do your monthly self-exam and if your over 40 then you should be getting an annual mammogram. I went for my first one six months ago. My gyno wanted us to get a baseline prior to hitting the 40 mark. I ended up having to go back for a second examination where it was determined that I had 3 cysts in my right breast. Just to make sure they were nothing to worry about I had to go back for a six-month follow-up appoinmtment. That was today's big event. As it turns out one of the cysts has disappeared and the other two have not changed so all is good and I don't have to go for another year. Whooohoooo!! It really wasn't as bad as I thought it might; not really painful at all.

So, I checked my boobs today - did you?

Dedicated to my loving Grandma Lowell and any other women who have succomed to breast cancer or have overcome it! CHECK THOSE BREASTS - YOU ONLY HAVE TWO!

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1 comment:

  1. I scared myself silly a few years back with a self breast examination. But I would still rather be safe then sorry. I am in my early thirties and here in OZ you don't go for regular check ups until you 40's (I think) but this is a good reminder to be aware of our bodies and take note of any differences. I am so glad to hear that yours are in great order!


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