Friday, June 26, 2009

Last day w/ fit trainer and first day of summer

My last meeting with my fit trainer was this afternoon and it went well. He showed me a couple of new machines and my arms are feeling it - but it's good! I need to look a couple of things up - one in particular - I think I may have figured out what caused my body to go haywire two summers ago. I need to look up the ingredients for a protien bar. It is late and I didn't make to bed until after midnight the last two nights and still had to get up at 6:30. Off to bed now for some z's and more writing tomorrow afternoon. Need to head to hardware store for a few things and work on getting this house at least surface clean and start planning out the summer's projects. So much to do, so little time and don't really feel like doing any of it. But no more but glued to couch - time to get out of this funk and get back to living. I'm hoping that this will blog will help me cut back on a few bills - like counseling. I either need to write and then print it off, take it to my session and read it or not bother going. I have all these things I know I need to work on get straight in my head but when I sit on the couch in front of her I only manage to share the surface stuff - the deeper things comment out in final comments as the session is ending. "We'll have to explore that more..." and we never do. To bed, To bed!! G'night and thanks to those of you who have indicated you will be at least 'watching'.

"Grace is a priceless gift."


  1. I believe that you are definitely taking positive steps. Just acknowledging the feelings and reasons behind them will push you closer to your goal. There is another inexpensive and reusable item that you may want to invest in-a small hand-held mini-recorder. Evey time you need to say something, think of something, need a distraction, then turn it on. Type it out later or not....this way you can work around the house, take walks, anything!

    You go girl!!!

  2. Hey, girl, I think you're on a good road. About the writing-counseling connection: my counselor wants me to write and bring it in. If I don't, I write in her office. A good tip she gave me is to write in first person, like I am talking to whomever is involved in the situation I'm writing about. Its a small change with big impact - similar to changing the pronouns in bible verses so that the message is from God to me. It takes it out of head level and into heart level.

    Your food "reasons" sound like my smoking "reasons". :-)

    You have my love and support! {{{HUGS}}} Not to mention my admiration for taking such great first steps.


Welcome! Thanks for stopping by, I'd love to hear what you have to say so leave a word or two before you go.