Monday, January 3, 2011

Now for my thoughts...

When I was 10 years old I prayed for salvation and committed myself to Christ.  I wanted to do only God's will from that point on in my life.  As I read through the various materials for Codependents Anonymous and Overeaters Anonymous I realized that I have

1. Admitted I was powerless over sin.
2. Believe that God can restore me to sanity.
3. I have given my life and will over to God. (I just need to get better at staying out of the driver's seat!)
4. I am constantly taking a moral inventory of my life.
5. This is where the daily living part comes in and where I need to improve.  Steps 4-12 are steps that may be repeated several during a lifetime due to circumstances and decisions we make.

No, I don't think I need a 12 step program for the steps; however, there is something to be said for the fellowship that can be found.  I tried one of the Coda meetings here in the area and was not impressed at all.  In fact it was rather depressing.  When I walked in no one made eye contact, said hello  or acknowledged that we had entered into a room where a meeting was going to soon begin.  Thankfully we had chosen to be there and were in the correct room.  As the meeting progressed each person read from their chosen script in sometimes bare audible monotones.  Then as participants shared there was no rhyme or reason to the sharing - unlike the AA and NA meetings I have attended.

My time is short tonight so I'll end with my thoughts from this morning:
*I need to set a schedule that includes working on self
*I need to work on establishing my 'support' network

How does one go about developing a support network?

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