Sunday, April 26, 2009

Writing it down to make it real...

Why is it that we call it comfort food? In the end it quite often eds up causing far more pain than comfort. Comfort is a warm blanket that softens every muscle leaving a tingle behind. As the warmth seeps into your bones you can drift off for a while---waking up warm and cozy.

Food on the other hand provides comfort as the flavor is savored and sometimes felt as it slides down our throats slowly providing that wonderful feeling of being full. It's hard to remember that feeling; I don't experience it much anymore. A friend of mine compared food to heroin one time. It provides pleasure for a while and long past when it stops providing pleasure your body still needs and craves it. Unfortunately they haven't found a methadone for food yet.

I recently found an article about people who were blogging and twittering their pounds away. As I read through the various accounts I got up several times to make my way to the kitchen. It occurred to me later that it made sense. Why not start writing every time I feel like getting some food and even when I don't. I don't want to take the pills the doc gave me, especially since I really would like to reduce the amount of medication I take- not increase it.

So, today begins my journey to a healthier (hopefully thinner) body and mind. Over the next few days I will write down the things I am trying to change and how I plan on accomplishing those changes.

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