Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Fall Break

Our school district takes a week off in the fall and I am enjoying my break from the classroom.  Things are so topsy turvy right now I'm not always sure what direction I'm going much less what day it is.  People often talk of 'one door opening as another one closes' - what do you do when it feels like several doors are opening & closing all at the same time?!  It's not so much opening/closing doors I guess as it's blessings coupled with emotional chaos that is causing my mental frustrations.

    >  Received almost double expected amount of financial windfall; enough to pay off most of cards, make down payment and put some in savings.
    >  Offer on house accepted; based on current rates payment will be less than current rent payment.
    >  Receiving monthly child support for the first time in 16 years.
    >  Finally got new bras today  - Mercedes decided to chew on the last two I had, making it necessary to get new ones ;>)

    >  JT & Kry not getting along any better; still feel like I am stuck in the middle and can't please either one.
    >  Emotional state of whole household is going downhill; have to get JT to counseling with me or just bite the bullet and make stand at home.
    >  Personal health (emotional & physical) suffering
        *  Depression interferring more often
        *  Pain in feet/heels has returned & not even exercising
        *  Pain in hands getting worse; some days hurts to hold pen to sign name
It's past midnight and time to get some shut eye.  I'm sure my life is no less chaotic then most; some would even say I have nothing to complain about.  My hope is that by putting these thoughts here, typing my rantings for all or none to read, calmness will find its way to the waves of thought that currently thunder in my head.


  1. I am hoping for peace in your thundering waves. That was great about the money though. I am sure that is helpful :)

  2. Wow, your praises are so exciting! I also pray for God's healing of you, both body and soul. Depression can be debilitating, I know, and suck you down fast. May God lift up your head and shine His love and peace upon you. :)

  3. That is wonderful news about the financial blessings. I'm sorry about the pain you're experiencing, and I'll pray for you.

  4. O my gosh!!! Can someone say good luck? It seems you are walking magnificently in God's blessing. Continue to enjoy your break. O by the way, I think I have a question about the breaks. When my sister was in Elementary school, her school used to give 2 weeks break during the fall and spring. I noticed that after the break, it usually took her a while to get serious again. Do you find this with the kids you teach?? and do you think these breaks benefit students??


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