Friday, August 7, 2009

Summer is winding down

Summer officially ends for me next week as the school year begins. I have already started working in my classroom and getting things ready. Tomorrow will be the big move day as I try to figure out how to set up the room. I used an online tool today that allowed me to create several different set-ups until I settled on a couple. I'm hoping this will prevent my usual arranging process. Look, move, look, move again, look....I think you get the picture. We still haven't heard if our offer has been accepted for purchasing a home and I still can't figure out what is going on with the child support. I'm thankful to finally be getting something but I would like to know and understand how/where the money is being disbursed. Anyway, I haven't accomplished much of the personal improvement things I wanted to get done with the exception of keeping up this blog. I have managed to pick up some followers and thank you guys, I appreciate your comments, prayers and reading your blogs.

I thought I would take a minute tonight to give a little background so that those who choose to follow might understand what is behind some of my rantings. In a previous post titled Transformation I spoke of a particular incident that I beleive marks the point at which I 'changed'. Before sharing this incident I think it only makes sense to provide my background so that as I work to rediscover myself a comparison can be made.

I was born in Delta, CO and am the olderst of 5 children. Three brothers and one sister that are 6, 8, 10 and 14 years younger than I am kept me busy helping my mom when I wasn't involved in school activities. We lived in Pullman, WA until 1978 when Dad got a job managing 320 acres of yet unplanted orchard in the Columbia Basin area. When we moved there the school was only K-8; high school students had to go to one of the nearby (30-40 miles) towns. By the time my class was ready to enter high school our district had grown enough to start a high school. Our class had the distinction of being the first graduating class.

I was involved in outside activities from a young age. Mom had me in Bluebirds ballet, tap, gymnastics and swimming when we lived in Pullman. After moving to the Basin none of those things were available so I did 4-H. I learned leatherworking and horse training. In jr. high and high school I played the flute in band, sang in the choir, and played soccer, basketball and softball. I was a cheer leader one year for boys basketball and did stats for football and wrestling. I was a member of the Honor Society, went to the national level in the National History Day Contest, participated in several community theatre plays and was first princess in the local pageant. I was on the student council and became a Natural Helper (peer counselor). Oh, and did I mention there were 21 of us when we graduated and I think there were maybe 100 students in the whole high school.

On the home front our parents raised us in a strong Christian home. I don't remember very many Sundays we didn't go to church and Sunday School spilled over into the home. Ours is a simple faith really; the Bible is the inspired word of God and gives us a blueprint for which to live our lives. God created this beautiful world and sent His only Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for our sins. "For God so loved the world that gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16 I accepted this belief at 10 years of age and tried to the best of my ability to live a good Christian life.

My eyes are drooping and I'm way past my own imposed 'curfew'. Goodnight.

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  1. great to learn more about you. Wow, that's a big family. I bet you had a heap of responsibilities. Thanks for sharing

  2. Interesting post. I also grew up in a very religious home where we attended church every sunday. The interesting thing for me is that I still remember most of what I learnt in Sunday school.


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