Why am I awake, yet again, during the wee hours of the morning? I should be curled up under the covers enjoying a few more hours of sleep; instead, I sit hear typing in the dark about nothing in particular. I read several wonderful, thought provoking posts tonight and found new blogs to follow; if I knew how to link to them I would - I'll try figuring it out another time. One of the blogs made me stop and think about my reasons for doing this blog.
I have a blog on MySpace that I started a couple of years ago, I guess. I never did write much and no one seemed to be reading any of it anyway; then Facebook caught my attention. I now spend more time on Facebook and I can't remember when I last looked at my MySpace blog much less posted. So, why did I start
this blog? Why does anyone start a blog? It seems to me that the foundational reason is to share what is on your mind with someone.
While lurking around I have seen blogs that are meant for personal healing, growth and/or gain as well as blogs that are meant to uplift, enlighten and/or educate others. That's the short list by the way and not meant to be all inclusive since it seems that the individual reasons could be as many as there are blogs on the net!
Back to the contemplation of my own reason(s). My purpose for the Myspace blog was to share some of the poems, essays and short stories I have written over the years and to begin writing again. This blog on the other hand originally started after reading several accounts of people using blogs to help them lose weight. In the stories that I read the bloggers found the support they needed to make the life changes necessary to lose weight and keep it off. This idea intrigued me since one of my complaints/excuses lately has been 'not having support from my immediate friends and family'. However, it wasn't long into my new blogging journey that I realized my reason is much less complicated.
I have words flying around in my head all the time that need an outlet. And no, they aren't 'voices'! :)
While riding in the car the other day JT and I were quietly listening to the radio; driving several miles without saying a word. It occurred to me that we don't talk much anymore; I mean
really talk. You know talk about something more than the weather, the latest NASCAR race or what to have for dinner. I also acknowledged that talking would help to calm the storm that clouds my my mind so much of the time. But isn't that what my counselor is for?.
*light bulb*
That's why I write in my journal! A journal doesn't provide feedback, its unable to praise the successes, raise you up or even gently bring you back down to earth. Again, isn't that what my counselor is for? So, why do the blog? What is it I'm hoping to gain from this experience? Especially since part of my reasoning behind writing here instead of MySpace involves not wanting people I work with and other acquaintances on Facebook and MySpace to have access to my inner thoughts and life history. Not that I am ashamed of either one; I'm just not ready to 'let it all hang out', so to speak.
The reality is I am not only looking for a release but am looking for a path to healing. It's not a search or process I want to go through alone and as much as I love my counselor I am really good at dodging the issues. It's easy to dodge them while in a 45-minute session twice a month; it's a whole different story when sitting at home and the racing thoughts become overwhelming.
Thus, I write.
Even now, at 5:11 am, I struggle with the words to put down because they flit around just out of reach; muffled by those other words dying to come out, to be heard, acknowledged and maybe eventually forgotten or in the past. The muffled words are the ones I really want to hear and I know that once I get past this fog of flying thoughts things will clear up.
Why blog though? Why am I choosing to put these words out there for any and all to read? There's no skirting this one I guess, no matter how I look at it I come back to the same conclusion. I am searching, seeking. In the sharing of my writing I am searching for answers and seeking guidance. The pen (keyboard) allows me to express those things I have a hard time verbalizing out of fear. Why fear? Because to verbalize it makes it real and it means that your going to get a response. Not that I don't want to be responded to - I just want to be able to separate the two with time if needed.
Writing things down, in a sense, makes the reality of the words more real, raw. Especially here where your putting them out there for anyone who wanders by to read and provide a response. Hmmm, sleep will soon overcome me. The fog is turning to the thick mud of grogginess that is difficult to wade through and the thoughts have slowed. In short:
I'm writing to free myself of the pent up thoughts and emotions that have worked together to produce an insecure, overweight and emotionally detached person I no longer recognize. I'm reading other blogs to find or remind me of the answers I am seeking.
Why do you blog/write?