I had an appointment with my obgyn a week ago and we have come up with a plan of action to address my concerns. I went to her because I have had rectal bleeding every month for over 6 months; indicating the endometriosis has advanced to the point of breaking through the mucus layer in my bowel. I am worried that a blockage could occur which would then require emergency surgery and possible long-term problems. We discussed several possibilities but settled a multi-directional approach.
*I am to make an appointment with my psychiatrist and find out the possibility of increasing my cymbalts to help with pain management & recent increase in depression symptoms.
*Dr. is going to check in to a new medicine that has possible benefits for me and dealing with the endo.
*Dr. will request depo/lupron shot approval from insurance. She wants me to get at least one shot before having surgery.
*Dr. will perform surgery to remove final ovary and any endo possible.
*Will go on HRT
My concern with this plan is the depo/lupron shot. The major side effects for this are hot flashes, night sweats, depression, weight gain and sometimes thyroid problems. Already have night sweats, have been diagnosed bipolar 2 (depression with periods of even deeper depression), have weight issues and a thyroid problem. The purpose of the depo/lupron is to shrink the endo. This is done by putting your body into artificial menopause and can be administered for up to a year. Each shot lasts 3 months. Dr. wants me to go through one 3 month treatmen in order to shrink the endo away from the bowel a little so she possibly won't have to cut as far into that area. However, when depo/lupron is used it is more difficult to even see the endo; diffrentiated it from other scar tissue.
I don't want to put myself or my family through the emotional upheavel it sounds like this would cause. I'm not sure I could continue working at that point. So much to consider and on top of it all JT and Kry had another major blow-up last night.
The bell has sounded and my time is up - I must run before I turn into a pumpkin! :) Actually just need to get in bed so I can get a few hours of sleep before the dreaded wake-up ring causes my phone to shutter violently on my bedstand. Goodnight.